Good News for everybody who loves terminology and languages:
The FedTerm project consortium* , and TermNet, the International Network for Terminology, are going to organise a Pan-European Terminology Summit in Iceland in March 2022, within the FedTerm Project:
The Pan-European terminology summit will take place from 28-29 March 2022 in Iceland, as hybrid event.
Important: Mind the time difference due to Central European Summer Time (CEST): The time zone in Iceland is GMT Greenwich Mean Time in Iceland = UTC+0 = CEST +2.
09:00 GMT (local time in Iceland) = 11:00 CEST
Terminology experts are invited as keynote speakers and panelists, and we do hope that you will be able to come to Iceland in person.
Participation is free of charge – Registration is mandatory:
Register here for the ONLINE event.
Register here for the ON-SITE participation, if you want to come to Iceland in person. There are still some places left, be fast.
The Project “Federated eTranslation TermBank Network” is co-financed by the Connecting Europe Facility of the European Union (Action No: 2019-EU-IA-0049)
Short description of the Summit
The FedTerm terminology summit is about sharing, maintaining, and synchronizing high-quality terminology resources in Europe and beyond.
Correct, consistent and current terminological data are crucial in a multi-lingual European Union with its digital economy and many new challenges to cope with. Each country is creating and managing terminology in a different way, which is a barrier for sharing terminological data across member states and partnering countries.
The Federated eTranslation TermBank Network (FedTerm) is addressing this barrier. For the first time, terminology resources can be shared in a network that allows organizations and institutions throughout the EU member states – and beyond – to locally deploy individual nodes to the eTranslation TermBank, which is the central federated node.
The individual nodes will be linked to and regularly synchronize terminology changes with the central eTranslation TermBank. The central eTranslation TermBank in turn will be linked to ELRC-SHARE and regularly update terminological resources in ELRC-SHARE, thereby ensuring correctness of terminological data stored in the ELRC-SHARE and available to CEF eTranslation services.
The FedTerm summit is Pan-European, with a focus on terminology communities of the FedTerm partners, who will present and discuss the challenges, solutions and benefits they get from sharing terminology using the FedTerm nodes:
- Stofnun Árna Magnússonar í íslenskum fræðum (SAM) in Iceland
- Tilde in Latvia
- Culture Information Systems Centre (KISC) in Latvia
- University of Copenhagen (UCPH)
- Institute of Lithuanian Language (LKI)
- Institute of Estonian Language (EKI) IEL
- Institute for Language and Folklore (ISOF) in Sweden
- Swedish Institute for Standards (SIS)
- Jožef Stefan Institute in Slovenia (JSI)
- International Network for Terminology (TermNet)
Participation is free of charge – Registration is mandatory. Register here for online participation.
Register here for the ON-SITE participation, if you want to come to Iceland in person.
Program and Structure of the FedTerm Summit
Day 1 is dedicated to data sharing, a federated approach in European Terminology, and to EU initiatives in promoting Language Data and Technology. In the afternoon, there will be a round table about Future Trends in Terminology, and a Demonstration of the FedTerm Toolkit and Nodes.
Please note that programme may be subject to change
Day 2 will focus on Terminology Resources and Strategies in European countries and language communities. In the afternoon, there will be a roundtable about Swedish Rikstermbanken and Terminology Standardisation, and Terminology data sharing in the Dutch language area.
Please note that programme may be subject to change
The summit will be a hybrid event
face-to-face in Reykjavík and online and is scheduled for 2 days:
28 and 29 March 2022
Participation is free of charge, with no reimbursement of travel or accommodation costs.
Registration is mandatory. Register here for the online participation.
Register here for the ON-SITE participation, if you want to come to Iceland in person.
Speakers and panelists attend by invitation only and cover their travel cost and accommodation themselves.
In total, there are:
- 6 Keynote speeches (à 30 min),
- 4 Presentations (à 30 min),
- 2 Panels (à 60 min),
- 3 Roundtables (à 60 min), and
- 1 Demonstration of the FedTerm functionalities (60 min)
Keynote speeches are about current trends, innovations and future developments in terminology sharing. In 30 minutes, keynote speakers give a general overview and the bigger picture, from their strategic perspective. Example: Data Sharing and Future Technologies.
Presentations focus on specific aspects of sharing, maintaining, and synchronizing high-quality terminology resources at national, regional, pan-European or global level. In 30 minutes, presenters share their insights and experience with the audience. Example: Slovenian Terminology strategies and the RSDO project.
Panels are moderated general discussion rounds with 3 to 5 experts. In 60 minutes, the panelists share their opinions and statements about general and strategic questions of terminology sharing in a given context, and answer questions about terminology policies and terminology resources in their organizations and countries. Example: Terminology Resources and Strategies in the Baltic Countries.
Roundtables are specific expert talks with 3 to 5 participants. In 60 minutes, a topic is highlighted from different perspectives, with short presentations. Example: Methods and Tools for high-quality Terminology Data and Shared Resources.
The demonstration is about functionalities of the FedTerm Toolkit (60 min).
For further information, please contact
Registration is mandatory and free of charge. Register for online participation and for on-site participation in Iceland.
Best regards
Gabriele Sauberer,
Head of the TermNet Group
Come and join us in Iceland – at the Pan-European Terminology Summit in March 2022
The Project “Federated eTranslation TermBank Network” is co-financed by the Connecting Europe Facility of the European Union (Action No: 2019-EU-IA-0049)