In 2020, we had to say good-bye …
… to our pleasant anticipation and plans for a great TSS 2020 in beautiful Budapest, at the Centre for Modern Languages of the University of Technology and Economics (BME), hosted by Márta Fischer, our current TermNet President.

Brave women as we are, …
… we embraced a completely new format for our annual flag ship TSS, and organized TSS 2020 ONline.
Why not try out parallel workshops in the afternoon, with interactive Zoom breakout sessions? Why not have the same inspiring terminology breakfasts and happy hours we used to enjoy before and after the regular TSS program, as we did in face-to-face summer schools in all these years?
Would it be possible to catch the spirit of our Terminology Summer School in an ONline event? Yes, it was, yes we could!

Although I knew that it is possible to create a great atmosphere with an inspiring learning experience also online, TSS 2020 ONline did exceed my expectation by far:
We ended up …
… with 67 wonderful participants from all over the world, in time zones ranging from the San Francisco Bay Area all the way east to China and Japan!
Feedback was great and encouraging
We got overwhelming feedback from our participants, our trainers, and from our organizing team, who enjoyed the online summer school as much as all of us who took part in key notes, lectures and workshops of TSS 2020. The feedback we got was the most rewarding part of TSS 2020, beside all the fun we have had together…
And in 2021? Can we top TSS 2020?

Shall we try? YES, we try to reach even more colleagues from all over the world, who want to connect with their peers, to learn from each other and from distinguished trainers, to share experience and good practice in the language industry.
Same date – different year …
TSS 2021 will take place from 1st to 4th July 2021. Save the date – or register right now: https://termnet.eu/tss2021
Here comes the very first draft of our TSS 2021 program. Focus will be again on Terminology Management for Translation.
It will be possible again to book singe day(s) with exactly the topics people are interested in most.
Participants do not need to choose these days already when they register. You have time to chose the day(s) of TSS 2021 a couple of days prior to the start of the summer school, when the program is the (pre-)final one.
And, of course, you can also go for the full 4-days package, with 3 days of key notes and lectures in the morning, and parallel workshops in the afternoon (all recorded), and a bright Sunday, the 4th day, where candidates for the ECQA Certified Terminology Manager exam will present their own terminology projects.
Participants’ projects – the highlight of TSS.
Yes, I admit, I am that kind of person who always exaggerates a bit.
Born as an optimist who finds everything highly interesting and amazing, I really get enthusiastic when it comes to the terminology projects of our particiants.

We had all the topics and all the organizations you can imagine – from Terminology Management at large international organizations, such as EU institutions, the European Space Agency (ESA), FAO, United Nations, WIPO, etc. etc., to companies, such as Amazon, Microsoft, Philips, Rolex, Swarovski, Volvo, Universities and Governmental Institutions from all over the world, as well as One-Person-Enterprises and individuals who presented their amazing terminology projects in all subject fields:
… from Automotive to Fashion, from Software to Juwelry, from the Stars to the Oceans, from the terminology of indiginous languages to Rumba Terminology, there was hardly a field we did not hear breath-taking presentations.
Our community is incredibly diverse and interesting. Without any exaggeration.
Come and join us – We will celebrate language, terminology and translation from 1st to 4th July ONline, at TSS 2021.